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Ready to Rent workshops support tenants


14 Aug 2023
We promote fair and decent housing - menu item - hand

To assist whānau in obtaining healthy, long-term, and sustainable tenancies, Habitat has added Ready to Rent Workshops to our service delivery, in collaboration with MBIE Tenancy Services, Utilities Disputes, and Kainga Ora.

Additionally, we have developed training workshops for the referrers we work with to provide Winter Warmer Packs to whānau in our communities. Through these seminars, we have been able to impart useful knowledge on how to make behavioural changes, understand utility bills, support renters with tenancy options, and share advice on creating a safer, warmer, drier, and healthier home.

Working collaboratively within the community has enabled us to reach more whānau than ever.

“I have learnt about the rights I have with landlords, property managers and privacy. That could have solved a lot of issues in the past if only I knew this earlier. When I rent my next home, I will know rights and wrongs, and how to manage and save money for power and water.”

Ready to Rent workshop attendee.

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